Licensed Agents

COVID-19 | Immigration Australia

In these unprecedented times, our thoughts go out to those who have suffered health or financial adversity. In an environment where even the capacities of Governments are at breaking point, the help individuals give each other makes a difference.
We are willing to share what we have…our knowledge of immigration and employment law as well as business and property expertise.

We are open for business

We are fully functional 24/7 via our website and cloud-based platforms, and our usual phone service is available during business hours.


In addition to usual activities we are undertaking urgent visa lodgements and extensions:

• For those who are unable to return home prior to visa expiry.
• Visiting aged parents who face health risks if they travel back home.
• medical professionals who may qualify for a longer stay visa under special arrangements, and
• Employers who require TSS visa extensions for existing foreign workers who are critical to business continuity.

Emergency regulations

If you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident:

• You cannot enter Australia even if you are immigrating with a valid visa.
• If you are in Australia under any visa category and; unlikely to be able to depart prior to the expiry of your visa,  it is important to seek an extension or a new visa so you may lawfully remain in Australia and avoid detention.

Australian citizens and permanent residents:

• Cannot travel to foreign countries without a valid travel exemption.

To learn about Coronavirus-COVID–19 developments in Australia and the world in your choice of language go to

Supporting our clients

Applications that are in progress:

• Where documentation is obtainable we continue to complete lodgements.
• Where we cannot proceed due to the inability to obtain documentation or a client has suffered financial  hardship, or health effects, we work through the options and provide advice to achieve the best possible outcome.

Lodged applications under assessment:

• We continue to monitor the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) on-line portal for any additional information requests and notices.
• There is a huge backlog impacting the business and Investment program. We will inform as progress resumes.
• Clients can be confident we shall swiftly deal with any issues and keep them informed or request input as necessary.

Current and former clients:

• Those who are already in Australia can reach out to us for general advice relating to immigration and employment law or business and real estate matters at absolutely no charge.

Government support

Regrettably, direct financial support programs introduced by the Federal Government do not cover foreign students, workers, visitors, and other temporary visa holders, however, those who are tenants have access to indirect relief via regulatory measures imposed on landlords.

aus-govMost State Governments have announced or intend to rollout limited financial support programs, and some educational institutions are also preparing their own support measures.

Details are still being worked through. We recommend students contact their respective education provider as a starting point. Learn about state by state support initiatives for foreign students at

Charities have stepped in to provide food and essential support to those in need, however, before providing personal information to a charity we recommend to verify registration credentials at the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission

How can we help?

Our staff and partners are committed to lend a hand to those who need it. We are maintaining our focus and remaining engaged 24/7 to address your concerns. Contact us

It’s getting better

We can get through with the support of each other and a hopeful outlook. We can learn from the past and plan for a better future, Australia is already well advanced in controlling the spread of infections and optimistic that we can now cautiously take “first-steps” to resume economic and community activity.

Moving forward

Australia has a great track record of good Government and governance, first-class health and education systems, an enviable reputation as a fair society and soon our stable economy will return to higher utilization.

Already, Federal and State Governments are planning Australia’s economic revival that will require a refocused business investment and skills driven immigration program to play its part in Australia’s future.

We are focusing on emerging issues in readiness to engage with people and businesses wanting first-class immigration expertise… we are here for you.

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