Australia’s Skilled Migration

Skilled worker visa applicants

Ministerial Direction 100 which is now effective includes several important changes to Skilled Migration visa priorities, reflecting the government’s policy focus with emphasis on getting more skilled workers into the economy faster. The new Processing Priority is as follows: Note: Within each visa subclass or stream, priority is given to visa applications where the primary […]

Visa 485 a stepping stone to Permanent Residency

Disappointed Graduate

You have just completed your last semester exam having worked hard for the last three years to gain a degree at an Australian University. You are excited about the opportunities to work in your dream job after you graduate but your excitement may soon turn into disappointment when you realise that you are not eligible for the work visa you thought you could apply for.

COVID-19 | Immigration Australia

In these unprecedented times, our thoughts go out to those who have suffered health or financial adversity. In an environment where even the capacities of Governments are at breaking point, the help individuals give each other makes a difference.


Work in Australia

The Japan Times and other media report new legislation enacted by Japan’s parliament (Diet) increasing lower skilled foreign worker arrivals may expose more workers to exploitation already suffered by foreign workers, under the present Technical Interim Training Program (TITP).