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About Training visa 407

Training Visa 407

Training Visa 407 - Great things you should know

Training Visa 407 is a visa for people who are coming to Australia to undertake a short-term training course. The course must be at least six months in duration and have a training provider approved by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).

This visa allows you to stay in Australia for up to four years, with the ability to apply for further extensions. To be eligible, you need to hold a substantive visa that is valid for at least six months. You also need to have an offer of employment from an Australian employer, or an offer of study from an Australian educational institution.

In order to qualify for a training visa, the applicant must have already been offered a job in Australia and be able to demonstrate that they have the skills to fill the position. The visa is granted for up to four years and does not allow for permanent residency.

Training Visa 407 is a temporary visa granted to those who want to study and work in the Australia. There are two main steps involved in applying for the visa. 1) You need to make sure that you fit the requirements for this visa. 2) Apply for the visa with all required documents and pay the fee.

Attention: Key benefits of this visa: Employer sponsored - Allows you to work for an Australian employer and be sponsored for your visa. You can get this visa without any qualifications or prior experience Permanent residency - If you meet certain conditions and criteria, you may be eligible to apply for permanent residency (PR) Salary - No minimum salary requirements (unlike with other 457 visas) Interest: Do you want to come to Australia on a temporary basis? If so, then this is the visa for you. It's perfect if you want to work as a professional in Australia with no experience or qualifications required! This is also a great option if you just want to try things out before committing.

Apply for your Australian Training Visa now!

More Information on training visa


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Training Visa 407

Basic Information – Relevant to  Students and Study
Information Source – Australian Government – Department of Home Affairs

training visaThe Training visa (subclass 407) is for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis to participate in occupational training or professional development. There are three types of occupational training (nomination eligibility types) covered by this visa:

• workplace-based training required for registration
• structured workplace-based training to enhance skills in an eligible occupation
• training that promotes capacity building overseas, (this type includes the following categories:

• overseas qualification
• government support
• professional development

*Note: Workplace-based occupational training (not including professional development) must be for at least 30 hours a week, of which no more than 30 per cent can be classroom-based.

**Note: Part-time, classroom-based study that is unrelated to your occupational training may be permitted, provided it does not interfere with your occupational training program. The unrelated classroom study cannot count towards any component of the training program and should be listed in your visa application.



• You may be able to get this visa if you:

• are sponsored (by an approved sponsor of a relevant class) to participate in workplace-based occupational training activities or classroom-based professional development activities
• are identified in an approved nomination by an Australian organisation (other than a Commonwealth agency)
• are invited (if the sponsor is a Commonwealth agency)
• meet the requirements of the visa
• have functional English language skills, to do the training and meet occupational health and safety standards
• have a genuine intention to stay temporarily in Australia
• have adequate financial support for yourself and accompanying family members while in Australia
• have adequate arrangements for health insurance while in Australia
meet health and character requirements
• are at least 18 years of age (except in limited circumstances).

Other Requirements

English Language Skills
• You must provide evidence that you have functional English language skills to undertake the training.

Financial Capacity
• You might be asked to provide evidence that you can financially support yourself and your accompanying family members while in Australia.

Declaration – No Payment
• Sponsors, nominators and visa applicants are required to provide a statement in relation to current or previous conduct that constitutes a breach in ‘paying for visa sponsorship’ activity. This declaration is included in the visa application form.


• You must meet certain health requirements.
• The health examinations you need will depend on your personal circumstances, including your period of stay, country of citizenship, time spent in another country during the last five years and your intended activities in Australia.
• The results of your health examinations are generally valid for 12 months.

Health Insurance:
• You are responsible for all your health costs while you are in Australia.
• You will not be covered by Australia’s national health scheme (Medicare) unless your country has a reciprocal health care agreement with Australia.
• You must have adequate health insurance unless you are covered by Medicare.
• This applies to you and any dependent family members listed in the application
• If you are not entitled to Medicare benefits, you can ask for an exemption from Australia’s Medicare levy in your end-of-year tax return.

Character Requirements

• You must meet certain character requirements. If your stay in Australia, including any time already spent in Australia is more than 12 months, you must obtain a police clearance if you are 16 years of age or older:

• You must be prepared to provide a police certificate from each country you have lived in for 12 months or more during the past 10 years after you turned 16 years of age
• This applies to you and all the dependent family members listed in your application, whether they are migrating or not.


• If you are outside Australia at the time of grant this visa allows you to:

• travel to and enter Australia after your visa is granted and
remain in Australia during the stay period granted (up to a maximum of 2 years), which begins on the day you first enter Australia, to do the training specified in your visa application and travel to and from Australia during the stay period granted

• If you are in Australia at the time of grant this visa allows you to:

• remain in Australia during the stay period granted, which begins on the date your visa is granted, to do the training specified in your visa application and
travel to and from Australia during the stay period granted.

Family Members

• You may be able to bring your family members to Australia with you, if you are granted this visa.
• Family members who are granted a visa to join you in Australia can only work up to 40 hours a fortnight.


• While you are in Australia, you and your family must:

• comply with Australian laws, including all the requirements and conditions of your visa
• leave Australia before your granted period of stay ends and your visa expires
maintain adequate health insurance.
• As an occupational trainee, you must:

• participate fully in the occupational training or professional development program you were nominated for (you cannot stop participating)
• not do any work, other than in relation to your approved training program
not become unemployed, leave your training to work for someone else, or work for someone else in a second job
• not do any other activities that could affect your participation in the training program
• tell your sponsor if your personal circumstances change, such as if you cannot continue the training
• tell your sponsor if you have any concerns about the training program.



• You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian Government or have arranged to repay any outstanding debts to the Australian Government before this visa can be granted.
This also applies to all dependent family members in your application who are 18 years of age or older.

Visa Fees:

  • • for the visa applicant are:

• Visa application – from AUD 285
• Other costs:

• You might have to pay other costs, such as the costs of health assessments, police certificates, or any other certificates or tests. You are responsible for making the necessary arrangements. There is also a fee for additional family members who are coming to Australia with you

Our Home in Sydney

Shanthi Silva was admitted as a Lawyer in the Supreme Court of the State of New South Wales, Australia in February 2010. Shanthi is also qualified as a Bachelor of Business with major studies in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management. Having worked in Government, Industry and Corporate sectors her legal experience includes Compliance law, Industrial Relations law, Employment law and Migration Law.

LLB, Grad. Dip Legal Practice
B.BUS (Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management)

  • Migration Agent
  • Shanthi Silva
  • Licence No: 1682622
  • Verify Licence
  • Note: The Australian Government grants Migration Agent Licences to individuals, not corporations. The Migrations Services provided are under the authority of the Migration Agent Licence held by our principal Migration Lawyer, Shanthi Silva.
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