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About Temporary Graduate visa 485


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About Temporary Graduate visa 485

About Temporary graduate visa 485

Basic Information: Relevant to Graduating Students

Visa Validity: Graduate Work stream – 18 months, Post-Study Work stream – two to four years

temporary graduateThis visa is for international students who have recently graduated from an Australian educational institution.
It lets you live, study and work in Australia temporarily after you have finished your studies. Students are only able to access the Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) once as a primary applicant.
The visa has two streams:
• Graduate Work stream
• Post-Study Work stream
If you are applying as the main applicant, you and anybody else covered by the application must be in Australia when you apply for this visa and when your visa is decided.

You must be under 50 years of age, hold an eligible visa,have a recent qualification in a CRICOS-registered course, meet additional requirements of the relevant stream and the qualification must either:
• relate to an occupation on the skilled occupation list (Graduate Work stream)
• be a higher education degree (Post-Study Work stream)


Eligible If You
• you must be younger than 50 years of age
• you must hold an eligible visa
• you must have included in your application evidence that you have met the • English language requirement
• you must meet the Australian study requirement in the last six months
• you must meet health and character requirements.
• you must have health insurance in Australia
• you must meet the specific requirements of the stream in which you are applying for this visa.

Other Requirements

Eligible Visas
• You must hold an eligible visa to apply for this visa as the primary applicant.

Australian Study Requirement
• In the six months before you apply, you must meet the Australian study requirement.

English Language Skills
• Your visa application must include evidence that you have met the English language requirement.

Specific requirements- Work Stream
• Graduate Work stream Requirements:
– The Graduate Work stream of the Temporary Graduate visa is for international students who have recently graduated with skills and qualifications that closely relate to an occupation identified as being in need in the medium to long term in the Australian labour market.
• Post-Study Work stream Requirements:
– The Post-Study Work stream is for international students who have recently graduated with an eligible qualification from an Australian educational institution, regardless of their field of study.

Location & Family Members
• If you are applying as the main applicant, you and anybody else covered by the application must be in Australia when you apply for this visa and when your visa is decided.
• Family members who apply for this visa after the main applicant has been granted the visa may be in or outside Australia when they apply, but must not be in immigration clearance.
• Each member of your family unit who wants to apply for this visa must:
– meet Australia’s health and character requirements
– have health insurance
– sign the Australian Values Statement if they are older than 18 years of age.
– Members of your family unit who are added after a visa has been granted must pay the full visa application charge.
– Members of your family unit who are added after a visa has been granted must provide the documents listed under ‘Personal documents’ on the Applicant documents page


• You must meet certain health requirements. The health examinations required depend on your personal circumstances, including your country of citizenship, time spent in another country during the last five years and your intended activities in Australia.
• The results of your health examinations are generally valid for 12 months.
• This applies to you and any family members included in your application.
• You can find out whether you need to undergo health examinations, and arrange them where required, by using our My Health Declarations service.

Health Insurance
• You are responsible for all your health costs while you are in Australia.
• You will not be covered by Australia’s national health scheme (Medicare) unless your country has a reciprocal health care agreement with Australia.
• You must have adequate health insurance unless you are covered by Medicare.
• If you do not have adequate private health insurance, your visa application could be refused or your visa could be cancelled. Obtaining health insurance does not guarantee that your visa application will be granted.
• The following may also be applicable:
– Applying while you are in Australia
– Subsequent entrants applying from outside Australia
– Overseas Student Health Cover
– Acceptable evidence of health cover

Character Requirements

• You must meet certain character requirements, provide evidence of having applied for an Australian Federal Police check in the 12 months before you apply.
• This also applies to all your family members included in the application who are 16 years of age or older.


• This visa allows you and your family to stay in Australia temporarily after you have finished your studies. While in Australia, you can:
– travel
– work
– study

• If you apply for this visa in Australia, you would be able to get a Bridging visa that allows you to stay in the country lawfully while your application is processed. If you are given a Bridging visa A, you can apply for Bridging visa B to travel outside Australia while you wait for a decision.

It is important to note that it is your responsibility to seek your own employment. The Australian government is not responsible for arranging employment.


• You and your family must comply with all visa conditions and Australian laws.


• You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian Government or have arranged to repay any outstanding debts to the Australian Government before this visa can be granted.
This also applies to all dependent family members in your application who are 18 years of age or older.

Visa Fees
• for the visa applicant are:

• Visa application – from AUD 1,535
• Other costs:

• You might have to pay other costs, such as the costs of health assessments, police certificates, or any other certificates or tests. You are responsible for making the necessary arrangements. There is also a fee for additional family members who are coming to Australia with you.

Updated: 23 Sep 2018
Information Source: Australian Government – Department of Home Affairs

Our Home in Sydney

Shanthi Silva was admitted as a Lawyer in the Supreme Court of the State of New South Wales, Australia in February 2010. Shanthi is also qualified as a Bachelor of Business with major studies in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management. Having worked in Government, Industry and Corporate sectors her legal experience includes Compliance law, Industrial Relations law, Employment law and Migration Law.

LLB, Grad. Dip Legal Practice
B.BUS (Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management)

  • Migration Agent
  • Shanthi Silva
  • Licence No: 1682622
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  • Note: The Australian Government grants Migration Agent Licences to individuals, not corporations. The Migrations Services provided are under the authority of the Migration Agent Licence held by our principal Migration Lawyer, Shanthi Silva.
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