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About Student Guardian visa 590

Student Guardian visa 590

About Student Guardian visa 590 - Great things you should know

Find out more about the Student Guardian visa 590 or check if you are eligible for this visa. Complying with your student guardian visa conditions You have to comply with all the conditions of your student guardian visa from the start, including: mandatory insurance cover] being a suitable person to provide support and guidance being financially capable of supporting yourself how much money you can earn in Australia studying at school full-time The right guardian is usually someone who lives in Australia and who is related as a parent, grandparent, brother, sister, step-brother or step Sister to the primary student.


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Student Guardian visa 590

Basic Information: Relevant to Parents and Guardiants of Students

Visa Validity: Up to Five Years – Extendable to the Study Period

student guardian visa 590This visa allows you to stay in Australia as the guardian of an international student younger than 18 years of age studying in Australia on a student visa. You must:
• be the student’s parent, legal guardian or relative
• have enough money to support yourself and the student during your stay
• be able to provide accommodation and other support
• be at least 21 years of age.

General Eligible If You

  • be a parent or person who has custody of the student, or a relative who is 21 years or older and has been nominated in writing by a parent or someone who has custody of the student
  • be able to provide accommodation, general welfare and support to the student, and: – not bring family members younger than 6 years of age, except under certain circumstances.
  • In limited circumstances, this visa may be granted if it will significantly benefit the relationship between Australia and another country: – You should provide written support from the government of your home country or a letter of support from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Other Requirements Nomination of a Student Guardian 
•Provide completed Form 157N – Nomination of Student Guardian with your visa application or it will not be valid.
• Attach electronic copies of your documents to your visa application or electronic documents to your visa application or your visa could be refused.

Bringing Children
 • You can only bring children under six years old if either: there are compelling and compassionate reasons: – the granting the visa would significantly benefit the relationship between the Australian Government and the government of another country. If this is the case, you must be at least 21 and the student must be supported in writing by a parent or person who has custody
• The child must meet the same health requirements as you and have health insurance for the duration of their stay in Australia.
• Children six years old or older can come with you but they must apply for their own student visa.

Financial Requirement 
• You need to have enough money genuinely available to support you, the student and children coming with you for the duration of your stay in Australia. You will declare this in your visa application.
• You must show evidence of financial capacity by providing one of the following: – evidence of funds to cover travel costs and 12 months’ living costs for yourself, the student and other children coming with you – evidence that your spouse (who is not travelling to Australia) will support you and your dependants and has an annual income of at least AUD 70,000. – If the grant of the visa will significantly benefit the relationship between Australia and the government of your home country, you only need to show evidence of funds for yourself and dependents, not the student.


Pre-Qualifying Visas 
• If you are applying in Australia, you must hold a current substantive temporary visa, but not one of the following: – Domestic Worker (Temporary) – Diplomatic or Consular visa (subclass 426) – Temporary Work (International Relations) visa (subclass 403) in the Domestic — Worker (Diplomatic or consular) stream – Diplomatic (Temporary) visa (subclass 995) – primary visa holder only. This means a family member of a Diplomatic (Temporary) visa (subclass 995) can apply for a Student visa in Australia. – Transit visa (subclass 771) – Visitor visa (subclass 600) in the ‘Sponsored Family’ stream or in – the ‘Approved Destination Status’ stream. • A substantive temporary visa is any visa except a bridging visa, criminal justice or enforcement visa. It allows the visa holder to remain temporarily in Australia.

Location & Family Members 
• If you are applying as the main applicant, you and anybody else covered by the application must be in Australia when you apply for this visa and when your visa is decided.
• Family members who apply for this visa after the main applicant has been granted the visa may be in or outside Australia when they apply, but must not be in immigration clearance.

•Australia enjoys some of the best health standards in the world. To maintain these standards, most visa applicants are required to meet certain minimum health standards in order to be granted a visa. We refer to this as meeting ‘the health requirement’.
• What you will need to do to meet the health requirement will depend on your personal circumstances and the visa that you have applied, or intend to apply for.
• All permanent, provisional and certain temporary visa applicants are required to complete health examinations as part of the visa application process to determine if they meet the health requirement.

Health Insurance 
• In addition to meeting the health requirement, if you are applying for certain temporary visas you might also have to provide evidence of adequate health insurance for the duration of your stay in Australia. We also encourage all prospective visitors and residents to have adequate health insurance cover while staying in Australia. – Acceptable evidence of health cover

Character Requirements 
• Everyone who wants to enter Australia must be of good character and will be assessed against the character requirements. As part of your visa application, you might be required to provide a police clearance certificate or other evidence to satisfy the character requirements.
• For the Australian Government to determine whether you are of good character, you might be asked to provide police certificates for each country you have lived in for 12 months or more, over the last 10 years (calculated immediately before the time the visa application is lodged), since turning 16 years of age.
• You must declare all recorded offences to us. If you do not declare an offence and we become aware of this it might have a negative affect on your application.
• Do not finalise any travel arrangements until after the grant of your visa. This is because visa processing times can vary depending on the visa type and your personal circumstances.

• The visa does not generally allow you to work. You can care for more than one student. Generally, there can be only one Student Guardian visa holder per student visa holder. 

• You and your family must comply with all visa conditions and Australian laws. 

Government Debts 
• You must have no outstanding debts to the Australian Government or have arranged to repay any outstanding debts to the Australian Government before this visa can be granted. This also applies to all dependent family members in your application who are 18 years of age or older. 

Visa Fees 
• for the visa applicant are: • Visa application – from AUD 575
• Other costs:
• You might have to pay other costs, such as the costs of health assessments, police certificates, or any other certificates or tests. You are responsible for making the necessary arrangements. There is also a fee for additional family members who are coming to Australia with you.

Updated: 23 Sep 2018
Information Source: Australian Government – Department of Home Affairs

Our Home in Sydney

Shanthi Silva was admitted as a Lawyer in the Supreme Court of the State of New South Wales, Australia in February 2010. Shanthi is also qualified as a Bachelor of Business with major studies in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management. Having worked in Government, Industry and Corporate sectors her legal experience includes Compliance law, Industrial Relations law, Employment law and Migration Law.

LLB, Grad. Dip Legal Practice
B.BUS (Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management)

  • Migration Agent
  • Shanthi Silva
  • Licence No: 1682622
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  • Note: The Australian Government grants Migration Agent Licences to individuals, not corporations. The Migrations Services provided are under the authority of the Migration Agent Licence held by our principal Migration Lawyer, Shanthi Silva.
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